Thursday, November 12, 2009

Me and my Sisters

This is me and my sisters. Yes there are five of us, plus mom and dad so thats 7, plus two dogs so thats 9... we have a big family.
  • Emily (bottom right) (14)
  • Me (top left) (12)
  • Meghan (bottom right) (9)
  • Becky (top right) (7)
  • Catherine (top middle) (4)
Most of the time its a lot of fun having 4 sisters, but, yes, but sometimes it can be really annoying if you know what I mean. Luckily only 2 of us share a room the rest of us get our own. Since Emily is a teenager she can be bossy, mean, annoying, etc., so usually I just stay out of her way. Meghan is really annoying because most of the time she won't stop talking... I wish she had a volume button sometimes. Becky is really, pretty much, the same as Meghan. Catherine, oh Catherine, well she is 4 so... well lets just say she has a big vocabulary. She is a lot like Meghan and Becky because she relates to them more than she does to me and Emily. Well since I told you the annoying things about them I should tell you the good and nice things... right. Well first of all we are supposed to get along and fight with our siblings so I'm on the right track. I love my sisters more than anything. And I'm glad i have them , because if i didn't I would get lonely, and wouldn't have anyone to fight with, so thank you God for blessing me with my sisters.


  1. SIBLINGS! i know exactly what you mean! I have 4 brothers that are SO annoying! (i also have a teenage bro... ):ggrrhhhh) have a great day!

  2. you have a big chance to have 4 sisters
